Our Golden Angels

Before humans die, they write their last Will & Testament, giving their home and all they have to those they leave behind. If, with my paws, I could do the same, this is what I'd ask…

To a poor and lonely stray I'd give my happy home; my bowl and cozy bed, soft pillow and all my toys; the lap, which I loved so much; the hand that stroked my fur; and the sweet voice that spoke my name.

I'd will to the sad, scared shelter dog the place I had in my human's loving heart, of which there seemed no bounds. So, when I die, please do not say, “I will never have a pet again, for the loss and pain is more than I can stand.”

Instead, go find an unloved dog, one whose life has held no joy or hope, and give MY place to HIM. This is the only thing I can give… The love I left behind.

-Author Unknown

If you'd like to make a donation
in memory of a pet or loved one, click here.

In Memory Of:

Marty Hollingsworth

Tonya Helm

July 19, 2024

In Memory Of:

Martha Hollingsworth

Ron Embry

July 18, 2024

In Memory Of:

Martha Hollingsworth

Cathey & Ted Leach

July 15, 2024

In Memory Of:

Martha Hollingsworth

Tina Kunze

July 15, 2024

In Memory Of:


Katelyn Wilcoxson

July 15, 2024

In Memory Of:

Martha Hollingsworth

The Millers, Ansardis, Lawrences, Kim, David P., Erica, Morrises, Jill, DeJuana from the Dinner Group

July 15, 2024

In Memory Of:

Byrd Rish

Teresa Jones

July 14, 2024

In Memory Of:

Willie Mays Coston

Stephanie Banks

July 13, 2024

In Memory Of:

Martha Jo Hollingsworth

Reid Alford

July 11, 2024

In Memory Of:

Emma Edmundson

Michele Botwinick

July 8, 2024

In Memory Of:

Kathy Troup

Kathy & Bill McMullen

July 2, 2024

In Memory Of:

My Sweet Sherlock RIP 5/9/2024

Alison Whiten

June 22, 2024

In Memory Of:

Lilly/Tammy Hollingsworth

Muriel Thompson

June 19, 2024

In Memory Of:

Kathy Troup

Neil Sondov

June 17, 2024

In Memory Of:

Duke of Abbington (Richartz)

Claudia Richartz

June 6, 2024

In Memory Of:

Roxie Beloved Pet of John & Sharon Smith

Matt & Robin Anderson

May 29, 2024

In Memory Of:

Missy McNinch

Howard McNinch

May 27, 2024

In Memory Of:

Max Matthias-AGB-RIP

Heddy Matthias

May 22, 2024

In Memory Of:


Joseph Johnson

May 22, 2024

In Memory Of:

Kenneth McCray

Leonard McCray

May 12, 2024

In Memory Of:

Max (Mack) Matthias

Heddy Matthias

April 30, 2024

In Memory Of:

Sweet Roxie Holliman

Beverly Ames

April 6, 2024

In Memory Of:

Lisa Wilson

Sandy Frier

April 2, 2024

In Memory Of:

Theo Chappell

Katie & Chris Richard

March 25, 2024