Alley & Jason
We at Adopt a Golden Birmingham are constantly amazed at the dedication, resourcefulness, heart, and just plain bravery of so many of our adopters. When Russ and his wife first started looking for a new pup they knew they wanted a rescue and they knew they wanted one that was not going to be the easiest but maybe the one who needed a home after a very difficult prior life. They found this in Alley who came to us after many years as a breeder dog. She was shut down, scared, and just wanted to climb in her crate and not come out. One of our fabulous fosters took her home and began her rehabilitation (bravo Sandee!!). She worked tirelessly to get Alley to the point where she would stay out of her crate for short periods of time and would walk outside.
And because one challenging pup was not enough, they also chose big boy Jason to be a good brother to Alley and to help her heal. Jason came to us back in June from a shelter. He was on the euthanasia list and had only a day or so left. He’s a big sweet boy that mainly wanted a place to lay around, some snacks and rubs, and some outside time to explore and sniff.
Both of these pups have landed in a loving home that has taken their strengths and weaknesses and made a family with them. Russ, their new owner, says it the best:
“Tehya Aponi (Alley) and Nazshoni Wi (Jason) recently found their furever home in Yulee, FL. Teyha Aponi is Cherokee for Precious Butterfly and Nazshoni Wi is Cherokee for Fierce Protector Sun.”
Teh and Naz found their new home after their fur parents lost the fur baby that rescued them 10 years ago. They fell in love with Tehya within minutes of meeting her. Her new parents know it will take time for her to come out of her shell and they see that shell slowly disappearing every day. She will live up to her name. Naz instantly made himself at home-he’s our lizard hunter. He patrols his domain the moment he goes outside; in fact he ensures lizards seek cover during his daily walks. Naz is showing his big sister what it’s like to be a pet in a home filled with love.
“Naz loves his walks; he gets very animated and vocal when he wants to go. He loves his car rides too-those rank right up there with having his ears scratched, treats, back rubs, treats, cuddling, treats, taking a nap on his mommy and daddy’s bed, and treats. Yes, he likes to eat. So far, we haven’t found a salad this boy doesn’t like.
Teh is still learning what it’s like to be a pet. She watches all the activities going on around her, enjoys scratches behind her ears, and treats, with cheese and peanut butter being her favorites.
We’re thankful to AGB for allowing Teh and Naz to rescue us; it’s a great feeling to once again walk in the door and be met by wagging tails and bright brown eyes.”