Bear V

October 28, 2023 – Bear V is now Little Bear and his new mom writes: Little Bear is so adorable and amazing, I love him so much. He is one of the more talkative goldens we’ve had. He will bark if his ball is out of his reach and if you are petting him and you dare stop. I love that he is always by my side (most of the time)Emoji  He still gets into trouble, always grabbing towels, shirts, tissues, and toilet paper. He loves to play chase and for an old guy, he is fast!

We actually got an RV to take Bear across the country to see our children in Seattle, Denver, and San Antonio. So, Bear has had a very adventurous life. He will get up on the RV sofa and sleep most of the ride otherwise he lays in his bed in between us up front. We have a gate that we put up when we get to our stop so we can sit with him outside and not have to worry about him going camper to camper begging for food, which he will do! We have taken him for short trail walks in National Parks. Two miles is usually his limit and of course, he HAS to take his ball along with him. It has been so fun, he makes friends everywhere he goes. He loves people and is so good with my grandchildren. 

 A very fun adventure was taking him to my daughter’s farm in Texas, I was so nervous because I had no idea how he would get along with the sheep, goats, ducks, chickens, cats, and dogs. He did great! I think he just thought the sheep and goats were dogs because he didn’t seem to notice them. He was a little curious about the chickens, so I did have to keep an eye on him but I think he genuinely wanted to play with them.  We have taken him camping at Lake Lanier and in South Carolina to Lake Hartwell. I’m not sure if he LOVES swimming or he just isn’t used to it. He will go in if you go in, but not where he cannot touch the ground. I think with a little more practice, we can get him more comfortable with it.

Bear has a lot of personality and makes us laugh, which I really needed after losing my mother, brother and sister in 2022. Thank you for taking him in when he needed a home, I will be forever grateful for this time with Bear.

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