Man and woman squatting on the ground with two golden retrievers sitting in front of them


December 16, 2021 – Belle came to AGB because her family was working long hours and caring for family members. She was 12 years old who got along with other dogs, people and even cats! After Belle had a few medical issues addressed and lost a little weight, she went to stay with an AGB foster family. They were so nice to Belle, but she still needed to find her forever home. Some people don’t want an older dog, but Belle knew she could give a family lots of love and happiness. Then a lady who was a veterinarian and her husband came to see Belle and decided that they needed her to join their family. Belle now goes to work with her new mom every day and helps out at the vet clinic. Belle also has a Golden little sister and they have become great friends. Thank you Debbie for your loving foster of this sweet girl!

Original Adoption Post

Hello there everyone. My name is Belle and I’m a 12 year old lady weighing in at 88 lbs. My owner could no longer keep me due to having to work long hours and caring for family members, so I came to AGB to find my forever family. I am a sweet girl who gets along with other dogs, people, cats, well pretty much everyone. AGB has been taking care of my medical needs. Besides the basic vaccinations, I needed to be treated for ear infections. I also had some skin and teeth issues and some arthritis. AGB’s doctors have been very good to me and are giving me the medicine and treatments I need to feel better. I am hoping to find someone who will have the heart and the patience to help me get back on my feet and to offer me love and comfort forever and ever. In return, I promise to love you 10 times more and to be your very best friend. If you think I could be your best friend, please let AGB know you want to meet me, beautiful Belle. PS….Since I’m over 10, I can be adopted by someone 65 or older and the fee will be waived under the “seniors for seniors” program.

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