March 23, 2022 – Bonnie and Buddy are siblings and they were very happy until a member of their family passed away. So much happened after that and their family asked the nice people at Adopt a Golden Birmingham if they could help. They agreed, even though Bonnie and Buddy are not full Goldens. They stayed together which was so important to them and went to a couple of very nice foster homes for a while. And then a couple from Louisiana asked to meet the pups. These folks had decided that they wanted a middle aged dog which is great because Bonnie & Buddy are 7 years old. And while they were not looking for two dogs, they decided that two would be twice as nice. Lots of AGB folks helped get Bonnie and Buddy get to their new home and they are so happy. Buddy has become very attached to the lady of the family and Bonnie sort of sticks with the gentleman, so it evens out. Bonnie and Buddy are glad to be loved and cared for and most of all to still be together! Thank you Powell and Suzanne for your long foster of these two sweet kiddos, and to Cheryl for transporting them halfway to Louisiana!
Original Adoption Post
PACKAGE DEAL, TWO FOR ONE ADOPTION FEE. Hello everybody. I’m Bonnie, a 61 pound, 7-year-old girl. My owner had to move to an apartment and was not able to take me and my brother Buddy there. We ended up being boarded at a veterinarian’s office while they tried and tried to find someone to take us. You see, Buddy and me are best friends and with our world turned all topsy turvy, it’s more important than ever that we stay together. Just when it looked like we weren’t going to be able to find anyone to take us both in, AGB stepped up to save us! Some people may think that is kind of weird because we are not Goldens, but AGB knew we had an urgent need, so now we’re “honorary Goldens”. We are a loving pair, who like to be snuggled and petted. We are not high energy, but we do enjoy going for walks. We’ve also been known to like singing and baby talk! (We’re just a couple of softees, really!) If you are looking for a couple of really cute best friends to join your family, I hope you will consider meeting me and Buddy! We cannot wait to be forever home.