March 14, 2024 – The moment they received photos of Carl, they knew that he was THE one. His new mom, dad, and dog sister are absolutely in love. His new mom had this to say about him…
“Carl, now Roland, has been such a love blessing to us: despite his fears and food insecurity, he has demonstrated strong love at a time when I’ve desperately needed it. I developed long-COVID in early 2022, resulting in the need for a service animal, and our six-year-old Blondie was immediately qualified. Don’t tell her, but Roland is already more secure and obedient on the leash, as a pup, and will serve the need immediately when she needs a break or to retire. He has already prevented a fall more than once for me, and once he is secure in the knowledge that when we get in the car, he’s coming home with me, he will be ready for the service vest. His foster ”Mama Suzanne” and ”Adoption Coordinator” Brooke, have been Godsends in support and encouragement as we transition, as we have had no experience with broken pups, only broken people. He is healing more of me than I am of him, and his nature as a gentle giant is very typical of the Golden/Pyrenees breed and he seems to exhibit the best qualities of both. Thank God for him and the entire AGB community which my uncle insisted I work with in locating my next furry family member. They are a truly remarkable organization.”