Older couple sitting on patio with two golden retrievers


September 22, 2021 – Jock and his sister Carmen ended up at a shelter when their owner became too ill to care for them anymore. Jock tried very hard to be brave so that Carmen wouldn’t worry or be sad, but it wasn’t easy. Jock and Carmen really needed to stay together. They are 7 years old and had always been together. The shelter folks called AGB and they promised to adopt Jock and Carmen as a pair. Then AGB sent the nicest couple of AGB volunteers to pick the dogs up and take them to Birmingham. Jock and Carmen went to the vet’s office and had a few things taken care of. And another nice family took them in as fosters for a while. (Thank you Cheryl!) Then one day, the same couple who brought Jock and Carmen to Birmingham came back! They had bought two harnesses, two beds, two of everything the dogs could want! After a little visit, they took Jock (now called Jake) and Carmen home with them. The first night in their new home, Jake and Carmen just stood by the people’s bed and looked at the nice man while he slept. They couldn’t believe how good it felt to be home with them and now Jake and Carmen are going to live with them forever!

Original Adoption Post

My name is Carmen (on the left) and I am 7 years old and weigh 83 lbs. I am sweet and affectionate and love people and other animals. My owner became ill and had to give me and my brother, Jock, to a shelter so we could be cared for. That was scary for us. We missed our home and family a lot, but the scariest part was thinking my brother might be taken from me at any time! You see, we’ve been together our whole lives and no matter how bad things get, I am the “little sister” (even though I am slightly bigger in size!) and my brother is my rock. He always looks out for me. I NEVER want to be without him! Luckily for us, the shelter asked AGB to come get us. They said that AGB will make sure we are matched with a family who wants twice the Golden love so we will never have to live apart. I am healthy and doing well. My fur was a little unkempt when I got here and my legs a little stiff, but AGB is giving me all the care I need, and even some “spa treatments” to help me look and feel my best. If you’re interested in finding two best friends, let AGB you want to meet me, Carmen, and my brother Jock.

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