Older couple sitting on bench with a golden retriever


March 10, 2020 – Sweet Champ came to AGB in bad shape. He was heart worm positive, had a hot spot, and had a stick wedged across the roof of his mouth between two teeth. Even with these painful issues, Champ was calm, loving, and sweet, and he won the hearts of everyone who met him. His wonderful new parents had been waiting patiently for a dog just like him, and they, too, instantly fell in love with him. They are planning to help Champ become a therapy dog so that he can share his Golden love with others.

Original Adoption Post

Hello there, my name is Champ. I’m eight years young. My life was going along pretty well; I was happy and then my owner passed away. Haven’t felt much like a champ since then. Because I wasn’t being cared for until I got rescued, I’ve got a few medical problems that need to be fixed. First of all, I’ve got heart worms and a hot spot and I’m kind of thin. I’m so glad that AGB has every orphan medically evaluated and checked out. They found a stick and some plant matter wedged across the roof of my mouth between two teeth. That’s been hurting me for a while. The vet put me out and not only removed the stick but also had to remove the two teeth. I’m recovering and so glad to be rid of that darn stick trapped in my mouth. I weigh 64 pounds and I’m neutered, vaccinated and microchipped. I’m a redhead with a sugar face. They keep mentioning how sweet I am and laid back. Truthfully, now that I’m on the road to feeling better and eating well, there’s nothing I’d like better than going to my new home. Sure would like to be somebody’s companion and live the good life again

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