May 5, 2020 – Retired breeder dog Elsia is now living with former AGB alum Clarice/Maggie, having a wonderful time and finally smiling! She is such a loving dog, but her fosters knew she would do best with another dog. Sure enough when Maggie came into the yard, Elsia perked right up grinning from ear to ear and romped around the yard like she had never been happier before! After doing the careful Social Distancing meet, Elsia jumped into the car and seems like she has been home with them and the cats forever. No more cages and breeding for this pretty girl now called Elsa.
Original Adoption Post
Hello, my name is Elsia. So very close to the name of Elsa, the Queen of Arendelle. I kind of would have liked to be a queen or even a princess. I’m a pretty brown eyed, brown nose, blonde who is very sweet and friendly. I was surrendered by a retired breeder; I’ve had multiple litters and I’m ready to be treated like a queen for the rest of my life. I’m done with with child rearing. I’m 5 years old and I weigh 51 pounds. I have been spayed and microchipped. I am heart worm negative and vaccinated. I probably need some leash training; I’m not used to it. Maybe you’d like a soft, sweet, pretty girl in your home for companionship and affection. I’d be good at that, I think. My retirement plan is to love a human or two or three and live a cushy dog life. Perhaps I can be royalty in my new home?