January 26, 2022 – Gracie and Finn are at home in Illinois and are loving their new life. Their new sister has been heart broken after losing their dog, and her parents surprised her with this amazing duo. She cried tears of joy when they ran up to her wearing their new last name on signs around their necks. Their new mom says that they are enjoying sleeping with their people and spending every waking moment “helping her work” or playing. She says that they love the snow and that Finn has even tried to bring some inside. She says: “They are doing great! They are the most affectionate, loving dogs and so so smart for only being 1 & 2 years old. We are very grateful. Thank you! You have made my 13 year old the happiest girl and she is in love with both Gracie and Finn!” The smiles on the faces of these sweet dogs and their new family brings us all great joy!
Original Adoption Post
Hey friends! I’m Finn and I am 1 year old. I came to AGB with my sister, Gracie (2 yrs. old), as our owners are no longer able to spend the time with us we need. They wanted us to have a family who could give us all the love, time and affection we deserve, and they knew AGB specializes in finding the perfect match for gorgeous Goldens like us. We are happy dogs and we get along well with people and other pets. The thing is, I have never been without Gracie and I don’t think we could stand being apart. You see, I was the only surviving pup from my litter, so Gracie has been like a mother and a sister all rolled into one for me. I love her so much! We really need to find a family who will adopt both of us together. In return for food, shelter, love and a few belly rubs, we will give you tons of fun, love, affection and devotion. How does that sound to you? If you think that is a good deal, just submit an adoption application and ask to meet Finn and Gracie.