Sweet Heidi, now Maggie Mae, knew that she needed this family and maybe they needed her as well.
One of our beloved volunteers thought it was time to foster again, and of course, thinking it would just be temporary. But, Maggie Mae indicated she needed an extended stay ‘something like forever.’ She also knew this family had lost their precious Mom and beloved pup recently.
Her new Mom shared from her heart the following:
“There are times when you experience so much loss all at once that you need to pull things close to you. With Lilly and Mom gone, the house is so very different. When Adopt A Golden needed fosters to help with so many orphans coming in at once, I knew we could open our home. I thought it would be great to have a Golden in the house for all of us. I fostered Heidi, a four-year-old girl, who was a breeder dog her whole life. She is working so hard to learn so many new things she has never experienced before. And, she is so sweet to Pilot, who is without a sister for the first time. She is silly and loving towards Dad, who is also grieving. She is my shadow while she navigates living a life inside a house and I have no doubt that she was meant to be here, right at this moment. Welcome home pretty girl!”