Three women sitting on house steps with two golden retrievers


January 21, 2020 – Ah, the beautiful, big soulful eyed Klondike, who inspired applications from all over the Southeast, has gone to a lucky local family who waited six weeks while she was cured of her nasty case of Ringworm. Now called Harper, she hit it off with little brother Jack immediately and Mom says they play so hard everyday they wear each other out, then take nice long puppy naps. Jack is inseparable from Harper and so are her new parents. It took Dad a bit to admit he was in love too, but with that face and eyes, who could resist? Harper will have fun swims at the lake and lots of boat rides this summer and we look forward to pictures of her enjoying the wind in her hair. She and Jack started training today with our great AGB trainers, so they should be model citizens in no time. Stay in touch, pretty girl!

Original Adoption Post

Hi, hoo-mans! My name is Klondike; the folks here at AGB call me by an affectionate nickname, Klonnie. I am a baby girl puppy of just over six months old. But, for such a short time on this earth, I’ve had some rough patches. I got rescued from a shelter and I just can’t remember how I got there. The folks at my new vet and my AGB friends have been taking real good care of me since I came in with kennel cough, ringworm and a skin infection. Nobody was taking care of me before. I’ve been a little quiet and subdued because I didn’t feel good but, once I’m cured, watch me go! I should get my medical release very soon and I’ve got a lot of catching up to do. I want to meet everybody; people, other pups and possibly cats – I don’t know about them yet. Toys and treats would be terrific too. You can see I’m quite a pretty girl with mostly white fur and huge dark eyes. I weigh about 37 pounds but I’m still growing. I will be spayed and microchipped and I’m heart worm negative and vaccinated. Everybody says I’m extremely sweet. 2020 is going to be my year; I can just feel it. I’ll be the best, most loving puppy around, I promise. And I hope I’ll never, ever have to set paw in a shelter again – because I’ll home with my hoo-mans who’ll love me too.

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