September 9, 2021 – Leo was surrendered to AGB by his family whose child was allergic to dogs, but he didn’t stay with us long. A wonderful family who had been waiting to adopt since losing their golden fell in love with Leo and adopted him. His new family adores him. His mom said, “Leo has brought so much joy back to our family after losing Curtis . It is so great to come home after a long day and be greeted by Leo . He is such a happy guy.” Thank you, Mike, for fostering Leo!
Original Adoption Post
Howdy y’all, Leo here! I’m a 2 year old Golden boy and I weigh 64 lbs. I came to AGB because my family had a child who is allergic to dogs. I am a friendly, social boy who likes people and other dogs. I gotta tell you though, I am not a fan of cats! And being in cages made me a little anxious. But I have a foster family now to help me relax and get back to my old fun loving self. I had lots of those nasty fleas when I got to AGB and my skin was itchy and irritated. I also had some mats in my beautiful fur. I had bad ear infections in both ears, which really hurt. AGB told me not to worry though and their awesome doctors got right to work to help me get better. Now I am just waiting for the right family to come along so we can make a love connection! I don’t think I will have to wait long because AGB has A LOT of people interested in me! (Because I’m so sweet & handsome!) So keep your paws crossed for me that soon, I’ll be forever home.