Woman squatting on floor and petting a golden retriever


February 23, 2023 – Linus has been Adopted! Sweet Linus went from an outside dirt pen to the best home where he found his person…inside! A few words from his New Mom… “As I was meeting sweet Linus, I quickly realized I was in the same room where just four months ago I’d had to put my last Golden to sleep. I felt that bittersweet mix of tears: the old pain followed by the quick joy of healing, as I saw his beautiful face hiding under the sofa. He was shaking. We don’t fully know his story and probably never will. He is still skittish around strangers, but Linus is astounding. At nine months, after only one week at home, he was already following the “sit, come” commands! He loves our Cesar Milan training, and I hope soon we’ll master “stay.” Until then he runs like the wind, fetching sticks and tennis balls. How stunned by and grateful to you volunteers I am! You have opened up a joyful new chapter in my life.” Happy trails Linus!

Original Adoption Post

My name is Linus. I’m a 9 month old, 48 lb Golden boy. I’ve been living outside in a pen without much socialization. Now I’m ready to be part of a family and learn to be an inside dog. I’m a little shy at first but very sweet. AGB took me to their Vet to get checked out and all of the staff fell in love with me! Can you blame them? I am quite handsome and completely adorable. I really hope the perfect family finds me soon. Could it be you? Let’s meet and see!

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