Old woman sitting on the floor with a golden retriever in front of a Christmas tree


December 21, 2022 – Things didn’t look very good when Oscar (now Oskar) came to AGB. He was in bad shape, but his Christmas wish has come true! Thanks to Lisa and Val for fostering him and for Susie’s Senior Pets for their help. His new mom had the following to say about this sweet boy. “When I saw Oskar featured on Instagram it was his sweet face that caught my eye but it was his story that captured my heart. I’m thankful for the volunteers at Adopt A Golden Birmingham, especially his foster mom, who had faith that if they provided Oskar with love, compassion and medical care, there was hope that this elderly guy would heal emotionally and be physically able to enjoy his golden years. Because of their care Oskar is thriving and easily transitioned into our family as a beloved member. This Christmas it is a special gift for me to experience Oskar living life to the fullest. It is a testimony to the power of hope and love- and that’s what Christmas is all about! The Peanuts character, Charlie Brown, said it best; “It’s not what’s under the Christmas tree that matters, it’s who’s around it.”

Original Adoption Post

Hello AGB friends! Oscar here. I am a 10 year old fella and my story before coming to AGB is a sad one. My elderly owner passed away and I was left outside tied up until I was finally taken in by a shelter, but by then I was in very bad shape. They contacted AGB because I needed more care than they were able to give me. I am heartworm positive but can’t be treated for it because I am in the early stages of renal failure. I also have arthritis, but AGB is giving me medication to help me get around better. I like to spend time with my people. I will go outdoors with them, but when they come in, I want in too! With my medical issues, I am not always housebroken and I need to wear a diaper due to incontinence. I get along well with other dogs and cats. I prefer smaller dogs or larger dogs who aren’t too energetic, just because I can be a little unstable on my feet. I need to be in a loving, safe, environment (preferably with no stairs) where I am well cared and taken out frequently for breaks. AGB says I am one tough dude who has come leaps and bounds since they took me in. Isn’t it amazing what a little love can do?🥰 I need to find a permanent foster family in the Birmingham, AL area. As a permanent foster, all of my medical care would be covered by AGB – you would just provide the love, food, treats and a safe place for me to be for the rest of my days. Can you find room in your home and your heart for me? I am staying with an awesome couple in a temporary foster home right now and those fine folks would be happy to talk to you about me and answer your questions. If you think you would like me to come be your special boy, please fill out the foster application and make sure you put on there that you want to be my permanent foster family. Thanks so much for reading my story! PS…I also need donations to help pay my medical bills, so click “more” to see how much I need and to make a donation. Thank you!

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