
Sweet Big Guy Winston landed in the best home.

Adopt a Golden Birmingham, Winston, needed to find another home when his previous owner decided he could no longer keep this sweet boy. And, it did not take long before Winston was in the back seat of his new Mom’s Volvo, heading north to his new home in Maine.

His new Mom (and previous adopter) who had lost her AGB pup in the fall, had contacted us about adopting another dog.  So while visiting her son in Atlanta at Christmas time, the stars lined up for Winston and his new Mom to meet.

His new Mom shared the following:

After having to send my wonderful AGB dog of seven years ago over the rainbow bridge, I returned, hoping to find another. It was a bit of a challenge with me visiting my son from 1300 miles away over Christmas. But, AGB made it happen and I got to ‘meet and greet’ Winston at a state park. It was a leap of faith – I knew very little about the dog or his medical needs except that he needed a home and I needed a dog. Some people wouldn’t want an older dog but he has plenty of bounce. He’s learning vocabulary, ‘stay, wait, squirt, busy’ and ‘puppy up’ (into the car). He is turning out to be another ‘gem’ and an ‘easy keeper’ plus a warm loving companion. Thank you, AGB for all you do for all dogs and their people

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